Whistleblower examples: Success stories

Caragh Bailey
2 min read
Whistleblower Examples from Employment Law Friend

In the UK, whistleblowing is not rewarded with big pay-outs like in the US. However, if you suffer any detriment as a result of whistleblowing, or because your employer suspects you have, or will, make a protected disclosure, you may be able to claim compensation.

This could include:
  • Interim pay, whilst your unfair dismissal is investigated (you must claim for this within 7 days of your dismissal)
  • Compensation for psychological damages due to bullying or harassment as a result of whistleblowing
  • Compensation for financial loss arising from missed career opportunities such as unfair dismissal, being passed over for promotion, being demoted.

Timis v Osipov

The Court of Appeal upheld landmark decisions made by the Employment Tribunal and the Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) awarding the ex-CEO of International Petroleum Ltd, Mr. Osipov, in excess of £2 million gross. This was one of the highest sums ever awarded by an Employment Tribunal.

The director, Frank Timis, had instructed the chairman, Tony Sage, to fire Mr. Osimov for whistleblowing. They were both found personally liable for the whistleblowing damages.

Gilham v Ministry of Justice

A district judge who says she was bullied, victimised and suffered a breakdown after raising concerns about the dangers of government cuts to legal services has won a landmark London whistleblowing case at the highest court in the land.

The UK Supreme Court ruled on Wednesday that judge Claire Gilham should be allowed to take her case to an employment tribunal because excluding her from whistleblowing protection rules would breach her human rights.

The ruling extends whistleblowing protections - under which people are protected by law against unfair treatment or losing their job if they lift the lid on suspected wrongdoing that is in the public interest -- to the judiciary for the first time.

Do you need legal advice for whistleblowing? Are you being punished at work for making a protected disclosure?

Whistleblowing is a stressful process but many feel that is it their moral duty. We can help you do it the right way, to avoid some of the negative backlash that employers can give and to help you get the compensation you deserve if you've been mistreated. Get in contact with us and see how we can help.

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