Questions for Interviewer: Top 10 questions to ask in an interview

Caragh Bailey
8 min read
Questions for Interviewer from Employment Law Friend

What questions should you ask the interviewer?

When you're applying for a job, you need to make an impression and set yourself apart from the other candidates. You've got the qualifications, you've got the skills and you're eager to prove yourself.

Your interviewer is looking for someone who is forward thinking, insightful and will get on well with their team. The questions you ask at the end of the interview can reinforce this image and seal the deal.

This is also your opportunity to find out about your employer, the position and your day to day responsibilities. You need to know if this job is right for you. If you don't have questions to ask in an interview, your interviewer may think that you are unprepared or that you simply don't care about the job. They are unlikely to hire someone who they think is just in it for the pay check.

Don't overlook your questions for interviewer when preparing for an interview.

What are 10 good interview questions?

    What are the most important qualities and biggest challenges for someone in this role?
Here, you can find out if your qualities suit the job. And get a sense of whether the challenges are something you will relish, or exactly the kinds of things that damage your job satisfaction.

Of course this may give rise to the follow up question 'Can you handle that?' When preparing for an interview, try and think of what the likely challenges will be and have anecdotes ready that demonstrate how you are able to rise to those challenges.

    Can you tell me more about the day to day responsibilities in this role and how you might expect them to change over the next year?
Some jobs can change drastically in a short space of time, especially when companies are in periods of high growth or expansion. This can be a great thing, excelling your career as you move forward with the company. However, this might not be ideal for you. Find out if the job you'll be doing in 6 months, is the job you're applying for today.

    Where do you see the company in five years time?
If you value challenges and progression in your career, this is a great question to ask in an interview. If the company is happy ticking along, doing the same thing its always done, this may not be the position for you. This question also shows the interviewer that you are interested and invested in helping to progress the company.

Think about whether this question is appropriate for the person whose interviewing you. If you're applying to a bigger organisation and being interviewed by middle management or someone whose work remit is solely in recruitment and HR, they may not have a 5 year vision for the company. Instead ask ask about new product lines or service types that might be in the pipeline.

Try and specify the question to the company.

    What is the typical career path for someone in this role?
This helps you to think about your relationship with the company and it's potential longevity, whether this job will help you progress towards your goals. It demonstrates to the interviewer that you'd like to grow with the company, rather than use this position as a stepping stone to the next thing.

Alternatively, you can ask about the company's performance management procedure. This will tell you more about how interested the company is in your professional development, as well as how your activity will be monitored.

    Can you describe the culture and values of the company?
Here you get to learn about the culture and the dynamic of the company, is it something that will suit your personality? Will you enjoy spending five days a week in this environment? It is also great to ask about any charity or environmental projects that you know the company is involved in, let them show off! Connect over shared values.

(If you don't know of any charity or environmental projects that the company is involved in, it's safest not to ask about that specifically. If they can't answer the question, they may feel awkward or embarrassed. Remember, interviewers hire people they like.)

    What do you like best about working here?
Getting your interviewers personal insights is incredibly helpful towards building a picture of what it would be like for you to work there. Asking about their own experience will help to build rapport.

    Can you tell me more about the team I'd be working with?
Most jobs require interacting with other people. It can be helpful to know what mixture of characters you're joining, as well as being prepared for any potential personality clash. This question is especially important if you're coming into a managerial role, you'll need to be prepared to establish your working relationships and your team's respect from day one.

    Can you tell me about the projects I'd be working on first?
This question should help you understand what the pressure levels are going to be. Will you have to jump right in and start putting out fires? Or, are you joining an efficient, smooth sailing ship?

    What are the next steps in the recruitment process?
This is one of the less interesting questions to ask in an interview, but it's one you shouldn't skip, as it will give you important information about the time frame which means you can follow up appropriately.

You'll also show that your eager to move forward in the process and excited to find out if you've been successful.

    Are there any more details I can provide that would be helpful?
This is a nice way to leave things open ended, allow the interviewer to clarify any further points and to raise any concerns that they have, giving you a chance to reassure them that you'll be great for the job.

(Be careful not to phrase this question negatively, ie. Do you have any concerns about hiring me for this role? You don't want to encourage them to think of reasons not to hire you, or to give them the impression that you have doubts about your suitability.)

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