ET1 Form

Andrew Boast
6 min read
    ET1 form & ET1 online advice from Employment Law Friend

Filling out your ET1 Form submits your claim to the Employment Tribunal; a part of the Employment Law Process. Before you can submit your ET1 From you need to:

    Raise a grievance with your employer (fail to do this and, if you win, you'll reduce your damages awarded by the Tribunal by 25%)

You complete the ET1 form and send it onto the Employment Tribunal to start your claim against your employer. You need to get your ET1 form into the Tribunal no later than 3 months from the last breach of contract made by your employer.

The ET1 Form can be completed by the Claimant (employee) without the need of the help of a solicitor, however it can often be useful to use an employment law solicitor to draft your ET1 for you, because of their experience with the law and their expertise in applying strategic advantages within your claim.

A more affordable option is to get the support of our employment law specialists, to complete your ET1 yourself.

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Once your ET1 is filed the respondent, or their employer, will submit an ET3 in response.

How to complete the ET1 Online
Here is our useful guide on completing the ET1 Form Online to send to the Employment Tribunal. If you have one, you'll need a copy of your Contract of Employment.

If you get stuck or are scared of getting it wrong then download our downloadable guide that goes into more detail, or; instruct our specialist solicitor to draft this for you - get in contact now

    Your Details (the Claimant)
This section is easy to complete as it is all about you so make sure the details you provide are correct and up to date. There is a new section 1.11 where you can opt for a hearing by video. During Covid-19 this may mean that your hearing can take place earlier, as it can take 18 months or more to get a Tribunal date.
Employment Tribunal Process

    The Respondent's Details
(That is the employer, person or organisation against whom you are making a claim).
Get this section wrong and your claim could be struck out before it is heard at Tribunal so make sure you include your:

  • Employer's correct and official name and address - Check your employment contract, company website or Companies House.
  • ACAS early conciliation certificate number - get this by contacting ACAS.
  • other Respondents, if more than one. - For example, if you are making a claim against your employer and against the new owners of the business, if it has changed hands during your dispute.

Read how your ET1 Claim Form could be rejected by Tribunal, and how to avoid the same mistakes.

    Multiple Cases
Add in the names of any fellow claimants that you know are making the same claim against the employer from the same or similar circumstances.

    Cases where the respondent was not your employer
Where you weren't employed by the Respondent but want to bring about a claim. You need to explain what type of claim here. Leave this section blank if you were employed by the Respondent.
For example: You are raising a case of discrimination against an employer who interviewed you for a job and did not hire you.

    Employment details
  • Start Date - get this from your contract of employment.
  • Employment - are you still employed?
  • Job Description - get this from your contract of employment and include any variations along the way.

    Earnings and benefits
This section includes your average weekly/monthly earnings before tax (gross pay) and take home (net pay), did you get paid your notice, pension scheme or any other work benefits? This information is used calculate any award if you win your claim.

    If your employment with the respondent has ended, what has happened since?
Are you mitigating your losses by working and if so what are you being paid for this role?

    Type and details of claim
This is the section where you set out what type of employment law claim you are making. This is the most important part of the ET1 claim form and is of the part where most claimants look to get legal advice.

    What do you want if your claim is successful?
What do you want from the Respondent? Your old job back and compensation, a new job in the company with compensation, a recommendation or just compensation?

The compensation award takes into account a number of different factors, so speak to a professional to find out what your likely award will be.

    Information to regulators in protected disclosure cases
If your claim consists of, or includes, a claim that you are making a protected disclosure under the Employment Rights Act 1996 (otherwise known as a ‘whistleblowing’ claim), please tick the box if you want a copy of this form, or information from it, to be forwarded on your behalf to a relevant regulator (known as a ‘prescribed person’ under the relevant legislation) by tribunal staff.

    Your representative
If you are being represented by anemployment law solicitor then this is where you provide their details.

State if you have a disability. Find out what constitutes a disability here.

Employment Tribunals check list

Before submitting the ET1 Form check the following:

  • Read the form to make sure the information given is correct and truthful, and that you have not left out any information which you feel may be relevant to your case.
  • Do not attach a covering letter to your form. If you have any further relevant information please enter it in the ‘Additional Information’ space provided in the form.
  • Send the completed form to the relevant office address.
  • Keep a copy of your completed form.

If your claim has been submitted on-line or posted, you should receive a confirmation of receipt from the office dealing with your claim, within five working days. If you have not heard from them within five days, please contact that office directly. If the deadline for submitting the claim is closer than five days you should check that it has been received before the time limit expires.

Frequently Asked Questions

There are special rules around the submission of your claim to the Employment Tribunal. Whilst as a rule you must submit your claim within 3 months of the date of the last breach of your employee rights, there are cases where you can apply for an extension. However, don't leave it to chance. The best advice is to get your claim in as soon as possible after raising your grievance and getting your ACAS early conciliation certificate number.
Whether you submit the ET1 Form online or by post there is no charge. However, if you are submitting your form by post, we recommend that you pay a little extra for recorded delivery, to ensure your document reaches the tribunal safely.
Yes. Your acting solicitor must submit a letter into the tribunal, notifying them of the change.

Do you want help submitting your ET1 form online or on paper?

Getting your ET1 form right is essential to get your case heard and the information you include can have a crucial role in winning or losing. Get in contact with us and see how we can help.

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This content is provided free of charge for information purposes only. It does not constitute legal advice and should not be relied on as such. No responsibility for the accuracy and/or correctness of the information and commentary set out in the article, or for any consequences of relying on it, is assumed or accepted by any member of our company. For employment law advice please get in contact and speak to your employment law solicitors.
ET1 Form Process

    Raise a Grievance with Respondent (company)
    Contact ACAS
    Complete ET1 Form Online (quicker) or post to Tribunal (slower)
    Tribunal provide Case Number

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Please be advised that we are a UK company and our advice applies to employment law in England and Wales, only.
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